“I’m Great Intl Mentoring Program”
Hello parents, our mentoring program is built on the principle that we all are Royalty.
1. Belongs to a family of royal status, such as a King or Queen.
2. Called to be a Royal priests/priestess hood chosen generation setting the standards high for positivity and progression.
3. A Royalty- you get paid for the work you put in as in a royalty.
Kings/Queens 2Be- the mindset that all young girls/princesses boys/princes have the ability to grow into Kings /Queens, if they are molded and taught right. They learn this by watching good examples, mentoring, community service, learning through exploration( means exposure and diversity) and education.
Solidarity (S can only be applied to a team or group setting)
The B.E.A.A.R mentality... bringing energy against all rivals
What's a rival-anything that is keeping you from reaching a goal.
The plan is to attack it full strength with your might.
Who will stand between a bear 🐻 and it's food?
BEAR CHARACTERISTICS: Large • Confident • Ethical • Protective • Blunt • Overpowering
The Bear Symbol represents strength, family, vitality courage and health
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August 15, 2022
- JT Burks
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