Hello community, Positive Vibes Community Group next week is the free community feeding program. April 30th 12-3pm This month we will be doing ribs, sausages, hotdogs and burgers. We will also have a limited supply of non perishable items to give out.
To donate supplies just come out and put them on our table, Cash App: $PVibes22 Venmo: Positive-Vibes-22 or in person at Millville Savings Bank ask to donate to Positive Vibes Community Group online www.positivevibesnj.com any amount is a blessing.
Music, food, conversation and positive vibes! Sign up on the website as a volunteer with us see the “Offer Your Vibes” tab and fill out a form. We also offer youth sports, mentoring, third party intervention, community events and others things that may suite your interests. Subscribe to our website, YouTube, and social media platforms to stay updated.